Pregnancy Help
Pregnancy Tests/Verification
We can confirm your pregnancy with our free, high quality test kit. Our services are confidential and non-judgemental. We care about you!
Referral For Free Ultrasound
Ultrasound scans are used to confirm the presence of a viable pregnancy (heartbeat) in the uterus (not ectopic) and to see how far along you are.
Pregnancy Options Education
By providing accurate information on pregnancy options and fetal development we give women and men the tools to make an informed decision about their pregnancy.
Adoption Referrals
Adoption Education can help you decide if this option is right for you. We can refer you to professional adoption agencies if you decide to place your baby for adoption.
Maternity Clothes
We have a large selection of free maternity clothes for you to choose from. Be comfortable and look good, too!
Pregnancy Education
Our Prenatal classes are a fun way to learn about healthy care for yourself and your baby during pregnancy. We also provide classes on labor and delivery.